Camping in Eastern Washington - August 1999

In search of sun and sand, armed only with floaty toys.
Camping in Eastern Washington


Camping in Eastern Washington

The plan was to arrive Friday afternoon/evening on the shores of the Columbia River, and spend the weekend floating in the river, baked by the sun, cooled by beer. Instead, the wind picked up ferociously just as the third car (mine) arrived. These are a few shots of the riverside campsite on Saturday morning.

The wind was pretty good for flying kites.  This is Tom with his camping kite (he assures me that such things exist, and that this is a specimen). The wind was pretty good for flying kites. This is Tom with his camping kite (he assures me that such things exist, and that this is a specimen).

The wind wasn't so great for camping.  Here it airs out Garrett's shirt. The wind wasn't so great for camping. Here it airs out Garrett's shirt.

So after waiting around for a few hours on Saturday, we bagged the river campsite and headed deeper into the desert to find shelter from the wind. Garrett found us an excellent spot just a few miles from Moses Lake: a smaller body of water called Upper Goose Lake. It had sheer cliffs as a shoreline, which were good for diving.

This is our new campsite, on Upper Goose Lake. This is our new campsite, on Upper Goose Lake.

After swimming, we pretended to read in the sun.  Actually everyone just slept. After swimming, we pretended to read in the sun. Actually everyone just slept.

The sun starting to go down Saturday night. The sun starting to go down Saturday night.

The shadow of the canyon rising on the cliffs behind us. The shadow of the canyon rising on the cliffs behind us.

A dusk shot down the lake. A dusk shot down the lake.

Dinner. Dinner.

Drinking by the fire (Liz had already succumbed to the alcohol). Drinking by the fire (Liz had already succumbed to the alcohol).

Final drinking shot. Final drinking shot.



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