Hovercraft in Renton

There's a hovercraft at the Renton Airport.
Big news in Renton
Funky Little Park


Big news in Renton

[Sunday, July 9, 2006]

I have to be honest, I've come to love Renton. Technically, I live in Seattle, but I am far closer to Renton (in fact, I'm right on the city boundary).

Renton has a lot going for it. Although a small town in the shadow of Seattle, it has

  • Access to Lake Washington
  • An airport
  • A train
  • A cool library that is built *over* a river
  • A quaint downtown with early 20th-century brick buildings
  • Bikepaths along the river, lake, and other waterways

So what do you get a town that has everything? A hovercraft.

The hovercraft parked at the airport. The hovercraft parked at the airport.

Zoomed in. Zoomed in.

This showed up just before the July 4th weekend. I'm not sure what it's here for.

Looking back to the northeast, towards Lake Washington. Looking back to the northeast, towards Lake Washington.

As always, Wiki has a great entry on hovercraft .


Funky Little Park

Randomly, as I was walking by the airport, I also caught a couple of small parks right along Rainier Avenue South. One had a monument in honor of the country's 200th anniversary.

That we may always cherish the founding of the United States of America, on this its 200th anniversary (1776-1976). That we may always cherish the founding of the United States of America, on this its 200th anniversary (1776-1976).

There is a danger in designing something indended not to offend anyone: you might succeed.



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