Our first gig of 2003 is at the Industrial Cafe. We're opening
for Seattle legends "Maker" and "Crashbox" Startin at 9:00 pm! Hope to see you all there!
Gig Map
WOW, its been quite awhile since the site was updated. Thats not to say that DTCFE hasnt been busy, quite the contrary.
So whats new with us? Well, we've spent most the summer writing new material and preparing for upcoming gigs. Our next show is scheduled for December 4th at the Central Saloon tavern, where we'll be debuting a handful of new tunes, along with some fun oldies. Be there!
Mr. Tom has expanded his Flash Repertoire and we now have a new online game, Music Invaders, which highlights our Fundamentals album tune "Shameless".
Finally, we now have a range of merchandise available from CafePress. Be the first on your block to own a pair of DTCFE undies!
More updates coming up! Keep your tunes evil free!
Screen Saver!
We've updated our webpage to include our new DTCFEW screensaver! Why stare at a flying logo whan you can have minutes of original DTCFE animation saving your screen from burn? You can download our screensaver in the Multimedia section.
New Year, New Beginnings
Happy New years everyone! You can see from our link section that DTCFE has been busy over the holidays. Our uniqe brand of justice can now be heard online at, IUMA, and a number of other venues, and our CD is getting radio airplay as far away as Russia. Stay tuned for our upcoming CD release party and 2002 tour calendar.
DTCFE CDs make great holiday gifts! Don't forget that you can purchase them online at CDbaby or Hope everyone has a great holiday!
Break Time
After a busy summer, the band is taking a much needed respite while their studio (Dr. Tom's Basement) is being remodelled. Stay tuned for details of the upcoming CD release party!
Fundamentals Released!
Dr. Tom's Cure For Evil's first full length album: Fundamentals, is finally available! You can buy the disks at our shows or order them online, visit our SHOP section for more details.
Gig at the Swiss in Tacoma
Dr. Tom's Cure For Evil is headlining on Thursday, October 25th at The Swiss in Tacoma. Present at the show will be new copies of our most recent CD: Fundamentals.
Red Cross Donations
The Red Cross is still accepting donations to help relief victoms from the Septemper 11th tragedy. You can reach them at the URL below:
» The American Red Cross
Best Usigned Artist Competition
Someone entered us into StarPolish's Best Unsigned Artist Competiton. You can vote for us by sending them your email to add to our mailing list using the form below:
But wait, you say you don't trust random dotcom's with your email in these trying economic times? No problem, sign up for a free Hotmail email account using » this link!
Blood Emergency
There is a desperate need for blood in the New York area, especially for those with the 0-negative blood type. You can contact the Red Cross Blood donations number, 1800-448-3543, or visit their website for locations to donate.
» The American Red Cross
Here in Seattle, local donation facilities have been swamped with donators, so locals may want to check with their blood donation centers first before showing up at the door.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been effected by this horrible tragedy.
Gig at the Swiss!
On October 25th, Dr. Tom's Cure For Evil will be headlining at The Swiss in Tacoma. Take a look at our Phat section for more information on the Swiss. More information on the gig will be posted soon.
Fundamentals about to be shipped!
In April Dr. Tom's Cure For Evil hung out at Bear Creek Studios for a week, laying the tracks down for a new CD. A follow through weekend was necessary in July to finish the final tracks. The long awaited album, titled: Fundamentals, has now been mastered and is expected to be released Q4 2001. You can find samples of the music in our Multimedia sections.
Annual Seafair Gig
On August 5th Dr. Tom's Cure For evil will be performing in Seattle at their annually scheduled Seafair Extravangaza. Sorry, but this is a private affair. For more information on shows in your area please check out our Live section.
Dr. Tom's Cure For Evil will be at the studio mastering their latest album over the 10th and 11th. Release is targetted for Q4 2001.
Dave takes a vacation
Taking a much needed break, Dr. Tom's bassist 'Rave Dave' will be raving in Amsterdam for a few weeks this month.
Coming Soon: The Dr. Tom News Archive.